The general consequence of a finding of misrepresentation in immigration applications is very severe – a five-year ban on admission to Canada. The jurisprudence is settled that s40(1)(a) of the IRPA is to be given a broad interpretation in order to promote its underlying purpose. It is important to note that the exception to this rule is narrow.
PGWP가 종료되어도 한번도 워크퍼밋을 신청할 수 있는 정책을 발표한 캐나다 정부
캐나다에서 학교를 졸업하고 PGWP를 받으신 분들중 Covid19으로 인해 타격을 입으신 분들이 많습니다. 한번밖에 없는 PGWP기간동안 일을 하여 영주권 진행을 위한 경력을 가져야 되지만 Covid19으로 인한 여러가지 제약으로 많은 분들이 힘든 상황에 처하셨습니다.
Ask a Litigation Lawyer: How Long Do I Have to Start My Lawsuit?
A civil litigation lawyer can provide advice on the limitation period. If it expires, you lose the right to bring a lawsuit. If you are uncertain about when the clock starts running for your civil law claim, read on for more information.
Does Spousal Support Continue when the Recipient is in a New Relationship?
After separation, one spouse may be obligated to pay spousal support to the other. This is especially common in long term relationships where one spouse was the primary financial earner. What happens, however, when the recipient enters a new relationship?
Ask a Child Custody Lawyer: Can I Get Full Custody?
Family Law favours the involvement of both parents when raising children post-separation. But there are situations where shared parenting is not workable an it is possible for one parent to get full custody.
9월 현재 미국 외 국가에서의 캐나다 입국에 대하여 (COVID19관련 캐나다 입국제한)
많은 분들이 아시겠지만, Covid19로 인하여 현재 캐나다 입국을 하시는데 제약이 있습니다. 9월 현재, 캐나다 법상 미국에서의 입국자와 미국이외 다른국가의 입국자에 대하여 비슷하지만 다른 기준을 적용하고 있습니다.
What You Need to Know About Legal Custody in BC
Legal custody is the right to make decisions about your child’s care and upbringing. Here are the basics of legal custody in BC.
Separation Agreement FAQs
A well-drafted legal separation agreement can settle all existing disputes at the end of a marriage, and provide you with clarity and certainty.
Hiring a High-Skilled Temporary Foreign Worker Through the Global Talent Stream
GTS is designed to help Canadian employers have access to highly skilled global talent for workforce expansion in Canada and for participation in a global scale.