After separation, one spouse may be obligated to pay spousal support to the other. This is especially common in long term relationships where one spouse was the primary financial earner. What happens, however, when the recipient enters a new relationship?
Are You Entitled to Retroactive Spousal Support?
You may be wondering if you have a claim for “back-dated” or retroactive spousal support. Here is what you need to know about unfulfilled spousal support obligations.
Does Remarriage End Spousal Support Obligations?
Spousal support after remarriage may be affected if the spouse receiving support cohabits with or marries someone else. However, this isn’t always the case.
What You Need to Know about Calculating Spousal Support
Canadian spousal support is a complex area of family law. Beyond the primary question of entitlement to spousal support, many factors are relevant when calculating the amount and duration of spousal support. Here are some of the basics of what you need to know about spousal support payments.